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SD-WAN overcomes the challenge of interoperability

It is interesting to note the evolution, maturity and acceptance of the SD-WAN technology, since its first edition in 2016, entitled "Simplifying Enterprise WAN", in which a large part of the lectures had a pedagogical character about this technology. The second edition of 2017, with the title "Achieving the transition", had a very practical orientation, directed to the mode and details in the implementation of the different use cases. Finally, in the 2018 edition, technology enters a greater degree of maturity and attempts to organize the way in which it is consumed. Hence its title, "The Interoperability Challenge."
In this edition on Interoperability, different visions and standardization proposals have been explored, both for network applications and for network functions. Among them is the proposal of the MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum), or platforms such as ONAP, (Open Networking Automation Platform) or TOSCA, (Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications), and methodologies based on plugins using NSD (Network Service Descriptors).

SD-WAN and interoperability

On the other hand, throughout the different conferences and debates about interoperability, it was found:
• The interoperability and automation between the different components of an SD-WAN solution, and even between several solutions, is necessary and beneficial for all the parties, and it means a boost in the evolution of technology.
• In the current situation, there is still a long way to go until an acceptable level of interoperability is achieved, both at the orchestration level and at the controller level. However, there is consensus on the fact that interoperability will come from the orchestration plane and must be integrative and customizable for the end user, with a communication with the Open SDT-WAN Controller based on REST.

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