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Top 4 Tips on how to search job

Within the area in which we are trained, there is a spectrum of possibilities to look for work, although, due to our way of being, our aptitudes, competencies and attitude, there are specific jobs that we would like much more to perform than others, therefore, The first thing to do when considering how to look for a job is a deep self-assessment to be able to establish, not only what is the job we would like to do, but the possibilities we have to do it with guarantees of professional and personal success.

Know yourself

Although you may seem confident, the first thing to do when looking for a job is to know ourselves. Sitting down to establish what we want to do and what we are good at, this can take a lot of time and effort, but it can also help us to find a job in which we will fit and in which we can develop professionally. Then start looking for Jobs near me keyword in Google.

Set the type of work you want

Before establishing how to look for a job, you must define the type of work you want. Write what is the perfect job for you, including the people you would like to interrelate with, the type of schedule, the additional benefits you would like to receive, etc. Then on a sheet make three columns with the titles of "Requirement", "Preferred" and "Not essential", now relate the characteristics of your ideal work in these three columns

Define what you could contribute to in a job

Another point that we should be clear about when looking for a job is all the aspects in which we can contribute to a certain job. If you have had some type of work, either in practice or during the summer, list all the characteristics of your personality that you know are positive and add value to a job, such as positive attitude, willingness to learn new things, punctuality, responsibility and commitment to your tasks, ability to work in a team.

Define the type of company you would like to work on

The last thing we must define when considering how to look for a job is the type of company where we would like to work and this must be one of the thoughtful decision since in it we will spend most of the hours of our working day.

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